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" mystery in a luminous word..."
charles frode
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Newsletters > Chew On This Newsletter #1
Chew On This Newsletter #1

Apr 28, 2024

Chew On This #1
Thoughtful Curated “Quotations” from Scientific Authorities and Spiritual Masters Concerning the Nature of Reality, the Moment, Your Mind, Death, and Life

“Wherever and whenever they are, people vastly prefer any explanation (however flawed or implausible) to none.”

A General Theory of Love      
Thomas Lewis, M.D., et al.
Vintage Books New York 2001#

•   Ever wonder why so many of us default to an elementary school level belief in a “personal God,” a “He”—not “She” anymore— who exists in some form of a heaven, when research from all fields of science and inquiry into the nature of reality have not identified a place for “Him” to be, nor has science been able to explain how a supposed eternal and infinite God could have existed before the universe (and time) came into being if there was no time or place before that pivotal event?
•   Science is never satisfied with its current explanations—always searching more deeply—until it has verified “the truth” of the issue 100%. What an admirable endeavor for humanity and us individual human beings to carry out over the panorama of time. The search of every human being during our brief lifetimes for what is true is an arguably perfect purpose to life, perhaps more in tune with our species predilection to self-reflect.
•   And now consider the chaos across our historical past, present, and very probably our future, chaos caused by conflicting god beliefs and our unbelievably ridiculous penchant for defending those differing neural networks to the death, more often than not, someone else’s death. Crusades, pogroms, concentration camps, “the final solution,” the rise of “Christian Nationalism,” Oh, my God, (sorry!), there are so many.
•   Then chew on the fact that for the past two decades there have been ongoing enthusiastic, intense, open-minded discussions between many neuro-cognitive scientists and lifetime practicing meditators intended to identify, clarify, and strengthen common understandings about our minds, Mind Itself, and the nature of Reality based on 3rd and 1st hand experience and reporting, respectively. These pioneers of survival recognize that these understandings have more capacity to unite humanity than politics or religion.
•   BONUS SUGGESTION Chew thoroughly then swallow this nutritious idea from Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha, from six centuries before Jesus Christ: “Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think.” If you want to explore and learn more about mind, get and devour a copy of Beyond The Self: Conversations Between Buddhism And Neuroscience and/or The Monastery And The Microscope: Conversations With The Dalai Lama On Mind, Mindfulness, And The Nature Of Reality.
•   Next newsletter: A powerful mantra to return your mind to the dimensionless moment.